Gaiscioch #FightLikeAGamer Charity Event Prizes
Throughout the Gaiscioch #FightLikeAGamer Charity Event, participants will earn raffle tickets from watching the livestream or playing along side the event. These tickets will allow them to be eligible to win raffle prizes. Each time they participate they enter to win that days raffle as well as the series raffle. At the conclusion of the Gaiscioch #FightLikeAGamer Charity Event event series we will raffle off all of the prizes and winners can check back here to see what they won.
Series Finale
Grand Prizes
Bonus Prizes
By meeting goals, we will add more prizes to our bonus raffles. Each event you watch or participate in will enter you to win one of these prizes.
Event Series Raffle
At the end of the event we will raffle off all of the grand prizes. Each time a participant checks in during a stream they receive one entry into this raffle.