About Stand up to Cancer
Stand Up To Cancer enables scientific breakthroughs by funding collaborative, multidisciplinary, multi-institutional scientific cancer research teams and investigators. Thanks to the support of our dedicated partners and the entertainment community, SU2C is able to bring widespread attention to cancer research and treatments.
100% of donations received from the public support Stand Up To Cancer’s cancer research programs. This funding eliminates barriers to innovation and brings together scientists and researchers from multiple institutions and disciplines. This cancer research strategy pushes forward big ideas and brings groundbreaking new therapies to patients in record time.
About The Gaiscioch Community
Founded in 2001, the Gaiscioch Community set out to create a safe and friendly place for gamers far and wide to explore MMORPGs together. Since their inception they have grown to include 8,812 members across 78 nations and have launched their own magazine, flag-football teams, livestreams, and charity events.
The Gaiscioch Community has been a proud supporter of Charity Events since 2011. Each year they gather the troops for an epic gaming experience. We stream our charity events live on Twitch and features our favorite MMORPG & cooperative games.